Monday, April 14, 2014

A White Chiffon Scarf

Whenever I see an article on the 10  most important must-have items in a woman's wardrobe , I ALWAYS read it.  I think it's to reassure myself that I have them all , in some form or another.    Usually, I do, and I rest easy.  The articles are pretty much the same.  Core items that we have all accumulated over the years and, perhaps, upgraded as time went on.

Well, much to my surprise, I recently read (I wish I could remember which magazine) that a large white chiffon scarf was an essential!  Who knew?  The odd thing is that about two years ago, I was loving the Mad Men era dressing and I searched for just that scarf.  I found it at the Vermont Country Store.  I purchased it and use it all the time.  I throw it in my handbag, in case of rain (a la Jackie O). I always travel with it never know when just a slight bit of chiffon around your collar can soften and dress up a coat or jacket.  I was so impressed with the writer of the 'list', and, of course, proud of myself for this inexpensive, yet versatile purchase.

The best part is that these chiffon scarves don't wrinkle.  I just wish I had saved some of them from my youth.  Oh well, it gives me something to keep en eye out for at flea markets, if you all don't beat me to them.

Bye bye for graciously and elegantly is the best!

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